Numbers 23:4 “And God met Balaam: and he said unto him, I have prepared seven altars, and I have offered upon every altar a bullock and a ram.”
“Nothing is coincidental; every event is purposeful and significant” Old Chassidic saying
I read something interesting in Jewish literature in the Midrash Rabbah this morning. Shlomo Yitzchaki who is generally known by the acronym Rashi (RAbbi SHlomo Itzhaki), was a medieval French Jewish scholar who wrote a comprehensive commentary on the Old Testament and the Talmud. Rashi wrote that when God spoke to Moses He said: Vayiqra (and He called) which is an expression of closeness and love. But to Balaam, the prophet of an Idolatrous nation he used the word vayiqar (met, appeared) which expresses the idea of one who mingles and mixes his message.
Most our modern English translations render vayiqar as to meet or appear. Yet Rashi, as many other Jewish scholars and linguists, renders this as – happen upon. The Lord drew near to Moses in love where He just happened upon Balaam.
In the Talmud Baba Bathra 15b we learn that Balaam was one of seven gentile prophets identified in the Old Testament. The others were Beor, Balaam’s father, Job and his four friends. What I find interesting is that the Jews themselves identify non Jews as prophets. Why non Jewish prophets? Things were going on that needed an explanation. For instance in Deuteronomy 5:22 we learn that God spoke with a might voice from Mt. Sinai when the law was given. Why a gadol great and mighty voice? Again, the Talmud in Zevachim 116a indicates that the whole earth heard the voice of God which would make sense. If just for the Israelites, does that mean his voice would fade out after it spread out a few miles? When God spoke and said: “This is my beloved Son…” Luke 9:35 the whole world heard this, some just said it was thunder. Nonetheless, there are certain rare occasions in the history of this planet when God speaks with a voice to the entire world. One was to announce His law and the other to announce His Son and a third will come when He announces His return. Those not interested or not listening will just attribute it to thunder. Those with an open heart will hear its message.
Thus in Zevachim 116a the gentile prophets were to interpret this voice for the gentiles who heard it. God will do nothing without first telling His prophets so they can explain it. According to the Talmud the kings of the earth heard the voice and were fearful of impeding doom but the gentile prophets, like Balaam were there to explain it to the kings. God had his prophets in pagan nations. God has planted in every human being some revelation of Himself and sends His missionaries out to explain that revelation. The problem with the indigenous prophets, like Balaam, they have a knowledge of God and a message from Him but like Balaam and Jobs friends that message becomes corrupted with pride, power and rewards.
Balaam was sought after by the king of the Moabites Balak. Once Balak saw what the Israelites did to the Amorites and Bashan he knew they were next in line and called up Balaam to curse Israel which Balaam could not do explaining that he could only do what God would allow. But Balaam saw a big pay check if he could come up with something prophetic. Though not prophetic, as a prophet he had some spiritual insight and he instructed the king to send prostitutes into the Israelite camp and corrupt the Israelites. He knew a thing or two about corruption. Indeed his plan almost worked.
That is why God happened upon – vayiqar Balaam and did not draw near in love – vayikra. God had called Balaam, had gifted him with a gift of prophecy but He had no love relationship with him. This is very profound. You may be called by God, you may have supernatural gifts by God, you may have a successful ministry and people may honor you as a great person of God because of your successful ministry, it does not mean you automatically have a love relationship with God if you have let the world corrupt you. God will just vayiqar you, happen upon you to deliver His message but He will not visit you in love and closeness. If you are corrupted by this world, glory in all its honors and recognitions and all its enticements like Balaam, God just may use a donkey to bring you to terms.
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