Exodus 19:17:  “And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether part of the mount.”

In Exodus 19:17 we learn that the people of God assembled at the foot or base of Mt. Sinai to receive the law.  But wait, it does not say in the Hebrew that they stood at the foot or base of the Mt. Sinai, it says they stood  bethchethith beneath or underneath it.  This comes from the root word tavach which means underneath.   Of course it is not translated that way, that would be ridiculous.  I mean God would literally have to pick the mountain up and hold it over the people.  That is almost as ridiculous as having the faith of a grain of mustard seed and telling a mountain to be cast into the sea.   

Of course our Christian translators will not translate the passage under the mountain, they will say at the foot of the mountain. I mean that makes more sense even if the word that is used is tavach which  clearly means underneath.  Who is going to be foolish enough to believe God would actually picked up a mountain and hold over the heads of the people declaring that if they followed the law and had just a small faith they could say to this mountain be removed from over their heads.  Of course it is ridiculous to think that fifteen hundred years later the Messiah would reference this crazy event under Mt. Sinai by saying in Mark 11:23.

But explain to me why the writer used the word tavach underneath and not the word yalad which means at the foot of or beside? The ancient sages and rabbis don’t try to explain it away like we Christians of little faith try to do.  They actually teach in the Talmud that God picked up the mountain and held it over the heads of the people until they showed their faith to command it to be removed and that the disciples and other Jews around Jesus who heard His teachings on moving mountains actually believed that such an event took place in their history.

“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Or again in  Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”

Did God actually pick up a mountain and hold it over the heads of the people and command them to move that mountain with their faith?  Well, I believe every word in the Bible is true and the word of God is inspired and inerrant so I do not believe for a moment that the writer mistakenly used tavach, underneath  and  not yalad, beside.  If the Jewish sages believe the people moved a mountain with their faith, then I am in good company. 

Got a mountain over your head, simple faith the size of a mustard see will move it, it did for the children of Israel.


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