Matthew 7:13: “Enter ye at the strait gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in thereat.”
Rabbis in the time of Jesus would often illustrate spiritual truths using Hebrew letters. The letter Hei was known as the broken letter. It is identical to the Cheth except that there is a narrow space, brokenness in the upper left hand corner of the letter. This little space was known as the narrow or strait gate that leads to the presence of God. The bottom of the letter is open. This is known as the wide or broad gate. The Hei represents the breath of God. Through repentance you will find the breath of God that will blow you through the narrow gate. Without repentance you cannot find the breath of God to sustain you causing you to fall through the wide gate at the bottom of the letter to destruction.
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