Psalms 130:2: “Lord, hear my voice: let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.”


“Let thine ears be attentive” Stop and think about it for a moment.  Does God have ears?  Why would a spirit need ears? Ears simply pick up sound waves and send them to the brain which creates what?  We call it sound.  Now some of the sounds are just noise, some make some sense to us like words or the voice of a loved one.  I have a friend that I call on my phone.  When she says “Hello” I instantly know it is M.  I recognize the sound of her voice.  I instantly feel good because I know that voice carries a sense of friendship, acceptance and the anticipation of a pleasant conversation.  Think about it, six billion people in the world.  If it were possible for me to listen to the six billion people in this world say Hello, I will still recognize the voice of M.


I heard the voice of a movie star on the radio the other day.  I recognized the voice but I just could not place with who it was.  I may have watched this person’s many movies but I am still at a loss as to just which star it is.  Yet, when I hear M’s voice I instantly know who she is because we have a relationship.


Jesus said in:  John 10:27: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:” The word voice in Greek is phone, guess which English word we get from that.  It means a voice, but it also means a sound or utterance.  It is an intelligible sound.  The Aramaic word qala has an identical meaning. It is identical to the Hebrew word qol used in this verse. It is basically an intelligible sound.  What is a sound?  It is vibrations that travel through air.  What is the substance of these vibrations?  It is called energy.  This energy causes air particles to bump into each other and this creates sound.  But God can live in space and there is no air in space so not air particles can bump into each other and hence no sound in space. How does his voice travel in space?  Of course to communicate with a satellite or astronaut we use radio waves?  Radio waves are electromagnetic radiation that are converted to mechanical vibrations to produce sounds.  Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy.  Radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through space and material medium. This includes the many variations of light, visible, x-rays gamma etc. Light still remains a mystery but in the technical sense it transports energy from one location to another.  That is why nothing can travel faster than the speed of light because light is energy and energy cannot travel faster than energy. To travel faster than light you enter a realm where time does not exist (I am a real science fiction fan), maybe even another dimension which the quantum physicist at CERN are trying to do. They actually theorize that if they can send a particle at the speed of light they could punch a hole into another dimension.  I believe God, heaven, angels and the saints all live in this dimension, just beyond the time space continuum.


Bong, back to the sounds in your head.  Those sounds are nothing but energy.  God’s voice is nothing but energy.  John 8:10 Jesus said: “I am the light of the world.”  Jesus is the energy of this world.  Jesus is, of course, God and all of this world comes the energy of God. When God speaks to us he does not speak with sound energy, that which is produced with a tongue, vocal cords, air and a diaphragm. He speaks with light energy which can pass through that time space continuum.  He simply just sends energy into our brain and we can recognize it as just as I recognize the voice of M. When M speaks to me I know her voice because we are friends and I am more in tune with her than those who are not her friends. My brain recognizes the sound energy she sends to me.


Do you ever have anyone glare at you?  You feel something don’t you. We are always giving off energy to other people, sometimes it is so powerful we can actually feel it without saying a word, like love or hate.  There is an old saying, the home team has the advantage. The advantage comes from the energy given off by the crowd who are almost willing their team to push hard.  Actually in a subtle way the home team is responding to that energy given off by the crowd which gives them that little bit of extra strength.


So God does not have to speak to us with an audible voice produced from air, a tongue, a diaphragm and vocal chords because sound energy does not pass through that continuum. Therefore He speaks to us with light energy which can pass through the time space continuum.  It is like a radio that receives radio waves into a device known as a radio receiver and mechanically produces sounds. There is software that allows for a computer to be turned on and off just by thinking on or off.  When you think, you are sending electrical energy into a receiver that is tuned into your thoughts and interpret them and turns the machine on or off. Everyday doctors are reading the electrical energy  your brain sends off in and electroencephalogram (EEG).  I am not sure how far they advanced with this but I did see a demonstration of a computer being turned on and off by someone just thinking on or off. Such is how God communicates with us only using light energy.  But we have to be so tuned into His wavelength, just as that computer is so tuned into the electrical waves the human subject is transmitting.  If not we may not really interpret the sound of God’s voice and we may miss it.


Note in John 10:27 he says that “My sheep hear my voice and I know them.”  Should it not be they know Him?  That word know in the Greek ginosko which is the same word used in Luke 1:34 where Mary says: “How can this be since I do not know a man.”  This gal knew plenty of men, brothers, father uncles and besides how can just knowing a man produce a child.  Mary was referencing an intimate relationship, a sexual relationship.  It is interesting that the Hebrew used the same word yadah for knowing and an intimate relationship. Unlike our 21st Century Western Culture which has turned a sexual relationship into a slam bam thank you ma’am the ancients recognized that a sexual relationship was the ultimate experience in knowing someone.  A husband and wife will not have a satisfying intimacy if they are harboring secrets from each other, if they are secretly measuring their mate up with the experience with another person, if they are harboring bitterness or anger etc.  If a man and woman really yadah, ginosko know each other, know each other’s thoughts, their heart, their deepest secrets, then the greater the depth of the intimacy that they find.  When a man and woman share a sexual intimacy with each other they may not say a word, but believe me there is a whole lot of qol, phone or voice or intelligible communication taking place without making a sound.


God does not need to speak to us audibly.  I believe 130:2 is not a cry for God to listen and pay attention, it is a cry for intimacy, such intimacy that communication will take place without a sound, without words being spoken.  When we are on the same wavelength with God, his voice is very clear, but if we harbor secrets, sins, and other interferences that disrupt those wavelengths, we will not hear His voice.

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