Isaiah 53:5: “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
He was wounded for our transgressions. I find the word wounded to be interesting. There is kind of a play on words. The word wounded comes from the root chalal and is a piel participle form. It real means to pierce and being in a piel form would make it a fatal wound. The word is spelled “Chet, Lamed, Lamed.” The word for praise is Hei, Lamed, Lamed. This is sort of a ironic play on words. Because His wounding or piercing was to redeem us from our transgressions, His words turn us to praise.
He was crushed for our iniquities. The word crushed is ‘daki’ which is in a pual form. This means to be crushed or broken. The word is also used to express a broken or crushed heart. In front of the word for iniquities is the preposition Mem which really is translated as from. In other words it was from our iniquities he suffered a broken heart.
The chastisement of our peace was upon Him. Ever stop to think what that means? The word chastisement is yasar like in Yasar Araft. It means punish but it also means to instruct or teach. Don’t ask how why the same word is used for punish and teach. I’ll let you figure that one out. However, if we use the alternative explanation for this word this could read the instruction on peace was upon Him. The word peace (shalom) has a broad meaning. It could mean peace or safety, security, and even divine healing. It was upon Him to instruct us in His peace. John 14:27: “My peace, I give unto you, not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Think about it, His heart is broken by our iniquities which robs us of peace. Yet, it is His broken heart that will restore our peace.
Finally, by His stripes we are healed. The word stripes is most interesting. It is the word chavar. This is another play on words. The word is spelled Chet, Beth, Resh. The word means stripe from the stripe of a tiger. It is another play on words with the letters Chet and Hei. Translators assume that this is a play on the word habar which is spelled Hei, Beth Resh, which means to cut hence translators use this play on words to indicate the cuts Jesus received from being whipped. However, the word as found in the Hebrew is chabar, Chet, Beth, Resh, which means the stripe of a tiger which also means to bind, to join a seam together. The word is also used to reference the bonding between a husband and wife. I was listening to Sid Roth on the internet, who is Jewish, and he said the word stripe could mean friend. More specifically it is the bonding between friends. Hence what is being expressed here is not only the wounds that Jesus received which is implied by the play on words, but the literal meaning is a reference to the fact that His death creates a bonding with us. Perhaps that is what Paul meant by the fellowship of His suffering? By having suffered He is able to bond with us in our sufferings from conquering physical suffering through His resurrection. Through his resurrection we are healed by joining or bonding with Him. By His friendship we are healed. The word charbar (stripes) is spelled with a Chet which represents a bonding of God and man, the Beth represents our heart and God’s heart bonding together and the Resh represents our joining with the power of God through the Holy Spirit.
But lest just back up to the word daki for a moment, daki means bruised, broken or crushed. Jesus’s heart was bruised, crushed or broken over our iniquities. But soft, the word daki is spelled Daleth, a gateway or portal to the Kap, the heart of the Aleph, God. The word daki esoterically means that when we bring our iniquities to him He removes them through his shed blood, which then opens a gateway, portal or doorway to the heart of God. It is up to us to open that doorway. The Bible says in Revelation 3:20 Jesus says, “I stand (Greek, hesteka – am standing) at (Greek – epi – on) the door knocking (Greek – krouo – I am knocking). Jesus is daki bruised, broken, crushed. Do you hear that knocking on the Daleth (doorway) of your Kap (heart)? It is the Aleph (God).
There is another way to look at this. The word krouo in Greek really means to strike. What is he striking? It is a door. Note that the Greek word epi which is rendered in English as at is really the preposition on. Of course Jesus cannot be standing on a doorway knocking, so translators just render it as at. But soft, perhaps the ancients did hear the word on. We automatically say this is a picture of the doorway to our hearts. Yet why limit it to that? Perhaps there is another meaning that the ancients heard. Now, I didn’t live in the first century, so I cannot be sure, but I do know that in 300 BC, seven of the best scribes translated the Hebrew Bible into Greek, we call it the Septuagint. They translated it without consulting each other, they translated it independently. When they compared their translations they were precisely identical. Each, when translating the Hebrew word daleth (portal) used the Greek word thura which is the identical word used in Revelation 3:20. If we render the Greek word epi as intended, which is on and not at, the ancients may not have pictured Jesus knocking at the door of their heart, but of standing on the daleth or portal of heaven striking it, calling to us to open it so we can enter. If we don’t enter heaven, it is not because of our sins, he received a fatal wound for our transgressions, His heart was broken over our iniquities and by his stripes we are healed from all those sins. No, the reason people will not enter heaven is they just ignore His voice as He is striking that portal of heaven calling out to us to open it so we can join Him, let Him forgive our sins and give us a hug. Entering heaven is as easy as opening a portal and receiving his hug and forgiveness. He is striking that portal, calling out to us but too many people are just too hung up with their lives here, they just keep looking down and never bother to look up to see who is calling them, they just never bother to check out Who is standing on that portal calling and striking it until it is too late.
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